Earth · morning · sky · spring

First Morning of May


Earthshine colors the misty sky with a pink chiffon veil, as this part of the Earth turns toward the sun.

The western mountains glow pink as the sun rises over the eastern peaks.

The air comes alive with flyers, sparrows and jays, starlings and doves.  Their chatters echo across the gully.

Golden sunlight glistens on the flowers and leaves of the cherry trees.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES

The clusters of needles and dusty blue berries on the junipers, soak up the light like a sponge.


Warmth fills every lighted spot. The sky is radiant blue. The air smells clean and cool.

Tiny insects crawl out from their night covers. Bees wake up and search out their daily pollen.

Day begins with portent of many joys. It is May.


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